Omni Block has been throughly tested through the years. The most convincing “test” is that there are 1000’s of buildings constructed with Omni Block in 29 states, Mexico, Canada and Saudi Arabia. There are commercial, residential and institutional buildings all performing as advertised.
The links below provide testing results. Each manufacturer of the block should provide current structural tests.
ASTM C-90 and C-140 performed on 8″ x 8″ x 16”
ASTM C-90 and C-140 performed on 12″ x 8″ x 16″
ASTM C-90 and C-140 performed on 8″ x 4″ x 16″
Standard Method of Determining Fire Resistance of Concrete and Masonry Assemblies ACI 216.1-97 / TMS 0216.1-97
ASTM E 90 Laboratory Measurement of Sound Transmission Loss
ASHRAE / IES Standard 90.1 Envelope System Performance
R-Value and U-Factor Tables for System 8 and System 12
R-Value and U-Factor Tables for Seismic 12
Thermal Calculations
Grout Cell Correction Factors
Heat Capacity Tables
Understanding Thermal Mass
Material Safety Data Sheet – Foam Inserts
ASTM C 578-95 Standard Specification for Preformed Cellular Polystyrene Thermal Insulation
ASTM C 518 Thermal Transmission Properties by Means of Heat Flow Meter Apparatus
ASTM Standard D 1621 Compressive Properties of Rigid Cellular Plastics
ASTM Standard C 203 Breaking Load and Flexural Properties of Block-Type Insulation
ASTM Standard D 2863 Oxygen Index
ASTM E 96-95 Water Vapor Transmission of Materials
ASTM C 272-91 Water Absorption for Core Materials of Structural Sandwich Constructions
ASTM D 2126-94 Response of Rigid Cellular Plastics to Thermal and Humid Aging