This page features a painted block Omni Block home. It was built to be an Airbnb in the beautiful small community of Prescott, Arizona. The owners wanted an energy efficient building but one that would be highly durable with low maintenance costs.
The block is painted with a semigloss black on both sides to highlight the interior wood colors and features.

The home is very comfortable and because of Omni Block’s advanced sound abatement qualities the interior is extremely quiet. There are many nooks within the home that promote tranquility and a peacefulness that is rare to experience.
Prescott is a wonderful place to visit, full of activities most every weekend and of course Whiskey Row has a reputation that dates back into the 1880’s. To experience Prescott with these accommodations would be unique to enjoy in this Omni Block home.

For more information you can find the home featured on Instagram @the_heronsnest