The photo at left shows the first course of block, the installation of the insulation inserts and the location of vertical rebar that is critical to any concrete block project. In order for Omni Block to provide unsurpassed thermal efficiency, the insulation inserts need to be installed in all un-grouted cells as illustrated.
A can lay Omni Block the very same as he does standard block. This video shows a mason laying two block in two minutes.
Structural engineering always “trumps” insulation, so it is important that structural engineers design the building as to keep the rebar and grout to a minimum without sacrificing structural strength. All Omni Block buildings are individually engineered and the vertical frequency varies depending upon many structural considerations. Frequently, one #4 rebar every 48″ vertically and the use of standard ladder rod (wire) every other course in lieu of horizontal bond beams provides the most ideal situation or “co-existence” between the structural requirements and the thermal efficiency of the wall assembly.
The interior short insert overlaps from one block to the other thermally protecting the vertical mortar joints. Both inserts are 3/8″ taller than the block and slide into the block so that they are flush with the top of the block ready for the next layer of mortar and block to be installed.

Note that at every corner and at every window and door jamb there is an 8″ cell that is fully grouted with the appropriate rebar. Once those are placed then the interior cells are determined and are fully grouted with rebar.
Mason handles and butters the block as though it were standard CMU.

First course properly laid and now is ready for the insulation inserts to be installed while the mortar is still wet.
Inserts should always be installed while the mortar is still wet. Installing the inserts before the mortar dries allows for the slight movement of the mortar to accommodate the inserts. If a mason waits until the next day, then the mortar is set and no latitude is afforded the installation of the inserts.

After the inserts are placed, the isolated grout cells become readily visible.
To view a comprehensive detailed sample layout with block and specific rebar placement click on Shop Drawing.